Image Credit:Starbucks Odyssey’s community lead sees NFTs as the best way to build brand loyalty

NFT was very popular before, but it has declined from its peak. However, according to Steve Kaczynski, there is still value for brands and loyalty programs seeking new ways to connect with fans. Companies are expected to further develop “brand anchors” in reward programs by 2024. Kaczynski mentions that this year, there will be a focus on community-based brand building. Starbucks introduced Starbucks Odyssey in 2022 which combines its loyalty program with NFTs to provide a unique customer experience.

The loyalty program has reached over 58,000 active participants on at least level one, showing that not only web3 users are involved. Kaczynski also pointed out the potential for local businesses to utilize NFTs for loyalty programs or other promotions. NFTs can offer more than just expensive digital art; they can provide real value and ownership. Kaczynski emphasized how having the ability to truly own loyalty through NFTs creates a new kind of relationship between brands and customers. In conclusion, there’s still untapped potential in NFTs beyond just digital art, allowing for innovative ways for brands to interact with customers and create engaging experiences.


NFT(Non-Fungible Token)について知っておくべき基本情報です。最近はNFT市場が一時的な高値から下げていますが、企業や忠誠プログラムがファンに新しい方法でアプローチする価値がまだあることが述べられています。スターバックスは2022年にWeb3の世界に参入し、スターバックス・オデッセイを立ち上げました。この体験は、会社のスターバックス・リワード・プログラムとNFTを組み合わせて顧客体験を向上させるもので、現在は5階層のプログラムがあり、5段階を達成した参加者には報酬が与えられています。また、一方で、一般的にNFTを高価なモノとして考える人が多いですが、NFTには単なるインターネット上の高価な画像だけでなく、他にも価値があると指摘されています。

Starbucks Odyssey’s community lead sees NFTs as the best way to build brand loyalty

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