Image Credit:Reddit CEO Steve Huffman defends API changes in AMA



Reddit CEO Steve Huffman promised an improvement to Reddit’s native app but refused to make concessions on pricing that resulted in some of the most-used third-party Reddit apps saying that they will be forced to shut down. Reddit needs to be a self-sustaining business and cannot subsidize commercial entities that require large-scale data use. Some apps such as Apollo, Reddit is Fun, and Sync have decided not to continue their businesses. Huffman recognized some missteps in the company’s API rollout but declined to tackle thornier questions about the company’s relationship with third-party developers. Third-party apps will no longer be able to show sexually explicit content due to legal concerns. Huffman also responded to the allegations that Reddit has become increasingly profit-driven but promised that Reddit will continue to be profit-driven until profits arrive. However, by the end of the discussion, every answer from the Reddit team was downvoted so heavily they were almost impossible to view within the AMA thread itself.

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman defends API changes in AMA

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